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Showing posts from November, 2020

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Go where you are Valued

They said - Go where you are valued, so I ran back to God. Why did I run back to God and not towards God?  God knew me since I was in the womb of my mother. When I came into this world , I met different people since my birth.  My mother, father, brother, friends , relatives, classmates, colleagues, neighbors, spouse.  But, do all of them value me? No! I didn't come across even one person in my life who gave value to me.  When I felt that, I had to run back to God who knew me. The only one God who valued me.  I had to run back to Him.  Go where you are valued!

The Corona Season

 The Corona Season: It all started from spring season. Spring is the season of new beginnings where the flowers bloom,  animals awaken and the earth seems to come to life again. The corona season is the season of new virus where the humans were forced to stay home and the flowers bloomed, animals awakened and the earth seemed to come to life again. In this corona season, schools and colleges never reopened, IT worked from home, this is what all humans wished but when the wish came true we realised this wish shouldn't have come true.  The corona season made humans follow social distance and humans got addicted to social media. This season made humans follow cleanliness by wearing mask, washing hands regularly. In one way this season is good, but, in other way all of us are waiting for this season to end soon and earth comes back to normal again with the lessons taught by the corona season. Waiting for another spring - The new beginning which ends the corona season.

Who Cares?

We have come across lot of phrases using the word "CARE".  What do you mean by care? , well, looking after someone or yourself?  There was an ad long ago,maybe 80-90 kids age-group might remember this "Lifebuoy gold soap ad" , in this ad, they feature a girl and her friends in college where she will be having junk food and her friends will tease her that if you have this you will become fat,  and the girl replies "I don't care" , and then when they tease her by asking what's that on your face(skin rashes/pimple), she becomes worried. So, does CARE means something to be worried? In today's generation instead of "I don't care" they use the phrase "I damn care". Something trendy. And next common phrase or a question - "Who Cares? "  This phrase is usually used when you have done something wrong and instead of worrying you just say "Who  Cares?" So, this is something to be taken seriously now.   Who Cares