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Showing posts from April, 2022

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Go where you are Valued

They said - Go where you are valued, so I ran back to God. Why did I run back to God and not towards God?  God knew me since I was in the womb of my mother. When I came into this world , I met different people since my birth.  My mother, father, brother, friends , relatives, classmates, colleagues, neighbors, spouse.  But, do all of them value me? No! I didn't come across even one person in my life who gave value to me.  When I felt that, I had to run back to God who knew me. The only one God who valued me.  I had to run back to Him.  Go where you are valued!

Talking Tom😻

 There is a toy for kids available in the market- Talking Tom 😻 It is like a robot,  it repeats what you talk.  But, imagine if animals could talk in reality, how it would be. I have 2 cats, Mia- the mommy cat, my baby and Bunny - Mia's baby, my kiddo. They understand what I talk, even my tone changes they will understand,  but they talk in their language and guestures to make me understand what they want. If they come to kitchen , I understand that they are hungry and feed them,if they come to my room and purr, I understand  that they want some cuddles and pamper and they are about to sleep, if they play hide and seek and play with their toys, they want me to play with them and so on. Imagine if they could talk with us in our language, I know even if I scold them or hurt them by my words they will still love me, they will never scold me back for sure.  They will just talk about their needs and love us forever. Imagine if dogs could talk instead of barking, then we wou

Dance Day

  April 29 is celebrated as International dance day.  What comes to your mind when you hear the word enjoy? What makes you happy? Most of us enjoy listening to music , but when the music is on, havent you tried to dance to the tunes? Or tap accordingly? That is what is enjoyment.  There was a movie named ABCD - Any Body Can Dance. True that, anybody can dance.  Dance for yourself, your happiness, nobody can stop you from dancing.  No matter what, just dance. Dance whenever you feel like, whenever you are broken, whenever you are happy, whenever you are hurt, whenever , whatever, just dance. Dance with your soul, dance in the rain, dance like a peacock, dance in your dreams, let your mind, body and soul be happy while you dance. Nacho nacho nacho nacho nacho nacho nacho. A recent song.  Just dance and be happy forever. Happy Dance Day!

Trust None but God

Gone are the days where we had slam books, A notebook, passed between friends, for answering the set of questions that you prepared and sharing their advices and opinions.  One of my friends had written, "Trust None" as an advice to me. After reading it, I was curious to know why he wrote that. He said, its short but meaningful one which you will realise later. "Trust None". Yes, now I realized that his words were true. Trust none, not even your family.  One of my friends once told me that "You came alone into this world and will leave alone. Nobody will be there with you". So true,  nobody will be there with you forever. Never trust anybody.  Trust None but God.

Stop Oversharing

Stop Oversharing your personal details on social media. Stop Oversharing to people who tend to be nice to you. Stop Oversharing to your partner as well, respect your privacy. Have your own personal space.  Stop Oversharing, It is not healthy for you. Stop Oversharing,  set your boundaries. Stop Oversharing,  people may make use of it. Stop Oversharing,  have some privacy in your life Stop Oversharing,  you will be judged. Stop Oversharing,  no matter what, have your own personal space for yourself . Stop Oversharing,  sadly, Oversharing may ruin the relationship.  Stop Oversharing,  you dont have to share everything,  at the end you dont have to hide anything.  Stop Oversharing,  you will be misunderstood.  Stop Oversharing, your privacy is valuable.  Stop Oversharing,  lead a healthy and peaceful life.