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Showing posts from January, 2021

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Go where you are Valued

They said - Go where you are valued, so I ran back to God. Why did I run back to God and not towards God?  God knew me since I was in the womb of my mother. When I came into this world , I met different people since my birth.  My mother, father, brother, friends , relatives, classmates, colleagues, neighbors, spouse.  But, do all of them value me? No! I didn't come across even one person in my life who gave value to me.  When I felt that, I had to run back to God who knew me. The only one God who valued me.  I had to run back to Him.  Go where you are valued!

Old is Sold

 We have heard that Old is Gold because its valuable. Anything that becomes old is gold, be it songs, things and even human beings. Yes all things become old including humans. When things become old they are sold if they are valuable else they are thrown away. This is applicable for humans too, if they are valuable in their old age in the sense they have some ancestral properties and money then they are valuable to their children else they will be thrown away. Becoming old means becoming wiser but never forget that fools also become old. Old is not gold anymore it is either sold or thrown!

Intolerable In-laws

Tolerable means able to bear something when you are not able to bear anymore it becomes intolerable.  If you are a tolerable person, you accept everything. For example, your room mate is very annoying and plays loud music which you dont like for a long time, even then if you can tolerate then you accept people unlike you which means you are broad minded , open thinking which constitutes to a tolerant behavior. When does a person become intolerant?  When you cannot accept people unlike you. Who comes to your mind when you think of people whom you cannot accept anymore or vice-versa? Your  friend or your relative or  your lover or your spouse or your sibling or is it your parents ? No, never , then who? Who doesn't accept you as their own son or daughter or sibling ? Yes, you got it right- In-laws.  For in-laws,  all they want is a daughter in law who obeys their laws. If not, she is always on the wrong side even if their daughter or son is wrong and they are always right. Not sure w